Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test

* Understand your child's innate characteristics.
* Know your child's inborn learning style or ability.
* Discover your child's hidden talent and potential.
For shaping personal, social and professional growth.
Spatial Visualization Numerical Understanding
Linguistic Ability
Perceptual Speed and Accuracy
Mechanical Comprehension
For shaping personal, social and professional growth.
To understand the skills like logical thinking, comprehension, concentration, and analysis. Screening tool to hire employees and understand the overall abilities for organizational functions.
Predict academic or occupational achievement.
Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT)
Dermatoglyphics refers to the branch of science in the study of the patterns of skins (dermal) ridges present on the fingers, toes, and the soles of humans. It reveals the congenital links between our fingers and our intrinsic qualities and talents. These patterns are formed from the external ectoderm and usually occur during the fetal development stage, The human’s fingerprints form is thus formed from the 13th to 21st week.
Medical experts and scientists thus discovered that the amount of brain cells distributed in different parts of the brain helps us understand a person’s multiple intelligences as well as his innate potential capabilities and personality through DMIT Test.
DMIT (Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test) is a biometric analysis based on the scientific study of fingerprints. DMIT is useful for all age groups, it is particularly beneficial for parents and teachers to understand a child’s innate strengths as well as areas that need molding. Armed with this information that is obtained purely from the child’s biometric, DMIT assessments give crisp actionable insights and appropriate career recommendations.
Our fingerprints reveal to us what we need and how we learn, transforming our lives through a holistic education approach.
What is aptitude test?
It basically refers to one’s ability to do certain kinds of work.
Aptitude Test is used to chart one’s developed or developing skills and interests. Aptitude test plays a pivotal role in selecting the right profession and preparing oneself for the same. Online Aptitude test & Psychometric test is the most popular and time-tested assessment conducted during the academic period and for Corporate management as well.
Career aptitude test helps in understanding the link or relationship between one’s cognitive abilities, career fields and performance in a profession. The aptitude test will always give a profile where one would be able to know the strengths and also the areas where further growth is required.
Aptitude scores are a widely preferred method of understanding one’s suitability for a particular career. It is due to this that aptitude tests are administered for those who are on the brink of making their career choices or want to enhance their chosen vocation. Using the aptitude test is thus highly recommended and sought after by all and serves as a data point for career planning and execution via career counselling.
Nowadays it has become easier to access standardized aptitude tests. Kids can access online aptitude test and would not have to wait a long time in order to get the results as they will get the results within minutes and it would be free of human error as well as biasfree.
Benefits of Aptitude Test
Some aptitude tests are highly specific and conducted to evaluate the candidates competitively for certain courses in college, professional degrees (like business and law), and for recruitment and employment in certain corporates. However, one can appear for the comprehensive ones at the school level itself to track future prospects and develop accordingly. It has several benefits including:
- Helps Plan & Prepare for the Best Suitable Career for You
- Performs a SWOT Analysis for You
- Helps Parents, Guardians & Mentors understand the child better
- Aligns Personal Interests for Professional Growth
- Provides tools to conquer obstacles in the desired career path
- Helps understand the demands of a particular occupation
- Provides Educational Grooming
- Offers a wide selection of careers and their required subjects
Hence, students and corporate institutions alike use the aptitude test as it serves various purposes like SWOT analysis, subject selection, Career Development and more. The Aptitude Test evaluates the skills and talents that have been acquired with respect to the person’s background and normalized scores. The result also highlights the career choices on the basis of strengths but does not declare one to limit themselves to their strengths. It encourages one to work on all aspects to keep all career options open,
When to take an Aptitude Test?
The Aptitude Test is available at various career guiding and educational counseling institutes.
One can pair it with their DMIT Test & IQ Test analysis (report) for advanced mapping as well. It is often important to be very thorough and clear while planning future career paths- and for the same- knowledge of one’s strengths, aptitude, interests, innate traits and abilities are important.
Career Aptitude Test for Everyone
Aptitude Test for Junior Primary (7-8 years)
As the child starts exploring the world of formal education, parents, teachers and other mentors can use the analysis to set certain benchmarks and choose the teaching methods accordingly.
Aptitude Test for Senior Primary (9-10 years)
This is the right age to know how the child is acquiring and grasping certain thoughts and skills and the results can also be used to shape the child beyond academics.
Aptitude Test for Middle School (11-12 years)
At this stage, the school courses begin diversifying into more subjects focussing on specific topics and themes each having their own demands while the student needs to also enhance their extracurricular interests.
Aptitude Test for Lower Secondary (13-14 years)
The test profile would be able to provide a SWOT analysis of the journey so far which the child and relevant guides can use to explore certain career options and overcome any personal limitations to their professional goals.
Aptitude Test for Higher Secondary (15 years+)
By this time, one is able to understand that one cannot make a career decision only on the basis of interests and current strengths. Future oriented factors like satisfaction, prospects and work-life balance should become clear and then on may proceed on a specific career path.
Aptitude Test for Adults and Corporates (18 years+)
Many organisations not only use the aptitude test during hiring, but also subject their employees to it continuously to evaluate growth. Similarly, adults and working professionals benefit by using it to boost their own profile.
What is an IQ Test?
IQ is a popular term. One of the most favorite and evergreen aspects of psychological factors is human intelligence, and that is exactly what IQ tests measure. The term IQ represents intelligence quotient. An IQ score is a proportion of intelligence, fundamentally of an individual’s thinking capacity. The higher the score, the more prominent that individual’s thinking capacity.
An IQ test measures the scope of psychological abilities and gives a score that is expected to fill in as an approximation of a person’s academic traits and potential. IQ tests are among the most normally controlled mental tests.
An individual’s IQ can be correctly and easily determined by having the said person undergo an intelligence test. The normal IQ is 100 by definition. On the off chance that one accomplishes a score higher than 100, they showed improvement over the normal individual, and a lower score implies one (to some degree) performed less.
To get what these scores truly mean, it is fundamental to understand precisely how these test scores are determined. Today, numerous tests are normalized and scores are determined by looking at singular execution against the standards for the person’s age. While numerous tests use comparative strategies to infer their scores, note that each test is unique and scoring techniques may not be something very similar starting with one test then onto the next.
Mensa IQ Test
Roland Berrill and Dr. Lance Ware established Mensa in 1946 in England. As indicated by American Mensa, Ltd., the Latin word mensa has a few implications: ‘mind’, ‘table’ and ‘month’. Thus, Mensa was made to fill in as a round-table society for profoundly intelligent individuals to meet consistently. Presently a global association, there are around 100,000 individuals in 100 nations throughout the world. The people of Mensa are very diverse in their gender, age, cultural, and professional backgrounds.
There is just a single basis for participation in Mensa: Each qualifying member should have a high IQ. The present IQ tests are intended to gauge your overall capacity to take care of issues and get ideas. This incorporates thinking, critical thinking, the capacity to see connections among things, and the capacity to store and recover data. Mensa sets the high IQ bar at or over the 98th percentile on a supported state-sanctioned test of intelligence. This implies that their prospective affiliate’s score should be equivalent to or more noteworthy than the scores of 98% of the others who step through the examination.
How was the IQ Test developed?
French clinician Alfred Binet was quick to foster a conventional test of intelligence and a type of his unique test is as yet being used today as the Stanford-Binet intelligence test. Afterward, analyst Charles Spearman fostered an idea of general intelligence, or an overall mental capacity to play out a wide assortment of psychological undertakings.
Therapist Robert Yerkes created IQ tests for the U.S. Armed forces during World War I to test armed force initiates. During the 1950s, David Wechsler created IQ tests for use with kids and grown-ups. These tests stay well known today and are a top choice for many psychometric testing.
Types of IQ Test
In a typical IQ test, one will for the most part discover questions related to mathematical thinking, analytical ability, verbal intelligence, and spatial intelligence. An IQ test that fundamentally gauges unique thinking patterns, both inductive and deductive, will most probably be a non-verbal IQ test. Thus, the last is then called culture-free.
Both conventional and non-verbal IQ tests make for legitimate and solid IQ score estimations, even though their meanings of intelligence do differ. By and large, an IQ test consisting of a greater number of inquiries will have a higher unwavering quality than more limited tests.
Why is IQ Test used?
Education frameworks and many institutes use IQ tests to assist with distinguishing youngsters for a specialized curriculum and talented schooling programs and to offer additional help. Scientists across the social and hard sciences study IQ test results likewise taking a look at everything from their connection to hereditary qualities, financial status, scholastic accomplishment, and race.
Despite the fact that IQ tests were not initially expected for use in corporate or businesses, studies have shown that these tests and the psychological instrument anticipate work execution. That is on the grounds that a portion of the reasoning abilities that help scholarly achievement are likewise pivotal to chief execution.
With Pre Employment IQ Tests, employers and applicants have the option to show and decide the IQ of the representative without the organization submitting additional time and exertion to sorting this out.
Through IQ, scientists looked to map both innate and acquired intelligence, implying that IQ test results would not differ greatly as individual ages, especially from adolescence to adulthood. Consequently, most bosses pick intellectual IQ and inclination tests planned and approved explicitly for foreseeing employee performance and achievement.
Hence, like many psychometric tests, both offline and online IQ tests can be utilized for a wide scope of purposes including:
- Educational evaluation and growth
- Examination and confirmation of cognitive disability
- Intellectual research
- Judge candidate’s fitment for a job
- Surveying intellectual traits including memory, speed, and concentration
- A tendency towards deviant behavior
- Gifted or enhanced abilities
Current intelligence tests frequently center around capacities like numerical abilities, memory, spatial placement, and language comprehension or fluency. The ability to see connections or patterns, take care of issues via sound observation and judgment, and recall data are significant parts of intelligence, so these are frequently the abilities on which IQ tests center.
When can one take an IQ Test?
The Brainwonders I.Q. Test is a test which attempts to measure a general level of competency or the ability of the person undertaking it. The intelligent quotient of the person is mapped by measuring the person’s shown abilities against the general level of the expected performance of people belonging to the same age and gender. Thus, the IQ test is designed to be a standardized test that helps in understanding various aspects:
- Possibility for high demanding jobs
- Overall academic comfort and level
- Logical reasoning and problem-solving ability
- Consistency and Perseverance
- Processing Speed
- Observational Skill
What does the IQ test measure?
Intelligence Quotient tests are intended to gauge the intelligence of a person. As indicated by Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences, intelligence is not a generalized capacity. The test objective is to survey a person’s general intellectual capacities and recognize one’s qualities. In the instructive setting, the outcomes help with recognizing learning disabilities. IQ tests address one’s by and large verbal and nonverbal capacities. The four regions distinguished are verbal comprehension, perceptual thinking, working memory, and processing speed.
· Perceptual Reasoning:
Perceptual thinking tests and notes the capacity to intellectually control 3D items and tackle spatial issues. It is a measure of abstract psychological capacity and addresses the ability to think through the options to thoroughly consider the issue and imagine with the brain. The abilities of visual discernment, association, and thinking are crucial for this space. The capacity to break down and incorporate data impacts perceptual thinking abilities and reasoning.
· Memory:
Memory incorporates both short-term memory and working memory. It requires both the capacity to recollect and handle the data introduced. The numerical segments address the capacity to perform essential math, and also the capacity to apply the data and calculate the issue in real-time. Memory subtests address concentration regarding a task, auditory recall, and sequencing capacities. Test things include tuning in and recalling a list of numbers and letters all together introduced verbally.
· Verbal Comprehension:
Verbal understanding incorporates reading, writing, and communication skills. The vocabulary and lexical sub-test centers around the person’s verbal familiarity, word information, and use. The test things center around defining pictorial data and meanings of words. The verbal perception area links to social and commonsense judgment and presence of mind, like responding to everyday questions. Likenesses and contrasts center around abstract thinking, verbal ideas, and categories. The data sub-test centers around genuine information, long-term memory, factual information, and recall.
· Processing Speed:
Processing speed evaluates the speed at which an individual cycles, reviews, analyses, reviews data, and then effectively responds to the data. This set of subtests address nonverbal learning through the visual methodology. Visual differentiation, particular observation/ consideration, and hand-eye dexterity. This aspect incorporates looking for a particular image given a page of images, and similar practices.
What are the factors that need to be considered before taking the Brainwonders online IQ test?
The IQ test has the following features:
- It is not limited by any language.
- Anyone above the age of 12 years can take the test.
- It is an objective assessment with right/ wrong answers.
- Academic training can impact the results.
- It is a performance-based assessment and is a psychometric test.
- It can be used over significant periods to measure growth.
- It has a time restriction.
Who can take the IQ Test?
The IQ score derived gives a reasonable evaluation and measure of the individual’s intelligence. The IQ range elaborates on the kind of push required for the child and the kind of learning that needs to take place. The indicated developmental ability of the child also highlights aspects like attention, concentration, learning capacity, grasping power, memory, and critical reasoning. It also provides insight into the kind of field that one is suited to pursue. Usually, people with a high IQ can build a career in science, engineering, and research. It gives a very standardized and almost accurate measure of personal competence with respect to the generally accepted benchmarks. This guides and tracks personal growth.
As the test has extremely high significance, children, parents, schools, working professionals, and even corporates use the IQ profile for carving the overall advancement in any stage of one’s life.
· Students and Adolescents:
Whether it is to chart one’s academic and study styles or get a view of their preparation for certain careers, an IQ profile will help one to sharpen their skills.
· Parents and Teachers:
One can use it for understanding their competencies or even to understand the overall prospects for the child and prepare for certain situations accordingly with apt guidance.
· Working professional and Corporates:
Any job-seeker or job-holder uses an IQ profile to plan their promotion while corporates use to screen their employees for better management.
Thus, an IQ test is an apt psychometric test that has wide implications and is suitable for many to explore, understand, and eventually develop their mental and specific cognitive functions. It is also a great tool for many institutions who rely on online IQ tests, along with others like the online aptitude test and personality analysis to get a better insight into others’ predictive performance.
IQ Test for Kids (11-18 years)
– Possibility for high demanding jobs
– Overall academic comfort and progress mapping
– Spatial and working memory & concentration
IQ Test for Adults (18+)
– Logical reasoning and problem solving ability
– Consistency and Perseverance
– Motivation and competency to address various challenges
IQ Test for Corporates
– Predicts Career Achievements
– Observational Skill & Processing Speed
– Screening organisational functioning